Inpipe Freeliner
Inpipe Freeliner® is the world’s first styrene- and bisphenol-free liner for renewing pipelines and culverts.

Inpipe Freeliner® is developed to meet the requirements of installers and line owners for the best possible working environment and the least possible impact on the environment. It is the world’s first styrene- and bisphenol-free fiberglass-reinforced liner for pipe renovation.
- Easy to install with inversion or winch-in-place
- Minimum gap between pipe and lining (< 0.1% of diameter)
- Contains neither styrene nor bisphenol
Essentially odorless - The amount of fossil-based raw materials is reduced when biowaste sources are used in the production of polyester
- Up to 100 years of life. Available in Ø150 – Ø500 mm. Up to SN5 depending on diameter.

Unsaturated styrene- and BPA-free polyester
ECR Glass
Multi–layer foil of Co extruded thermoplastic such as PE/PA/PE
Wall thickness (typical standard products)
3 – 8 mm
Maximum residual styrene content
Minimum glass content
Inpipe Freeliner® has been BASTA-registered since 31 March 2021. BASTA registration means that Inpipe can verify that this product meets the set criteria regarding environmental and health hazardous properties. Thereby, Inpipe Freeliner® maintains the highest environmental and work environment classification.
What does it mean that Inpipe Freeliner® is BASTA-registered?
BASTA is a self-declaration system with a publicly available database where suppliers and manufacturers of construction products register products that meet the BASTA system requirements for substances with hazardous properties. A product registered in accordance with BASTA means that the product meets the system’s strict criteria for chemical composition. The European Community Regulation REACH and CLP are the basis for BASTA’s chemical content requirements.
Free from styrene
and bisphenol
Instead of using styrene or bisphenol as a solvent in the polyester, Inpipe Freeliner® has other constituent components that ensure the right combination of strength, durability, and chemical resistance is achieved in the cured liner, while minimizing exposure to workers, residents, and the environment.
Styrene is classified as a priority risk reduction substance, while bisphenol is included on the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s list of phase-out substances.

What other components are used instead?
The material includes specific non-hazardous polymeric and bio-based components. The exact wording is “patent-protected”, but Inpipe can confirm that, according to the Ministry of Europe and the Council of the European Union (EC 1272/2008), polyester is not classified as dangerous.
Biocontent reduces the amount of fossil-based raw materials
The polyester used for the production of Inpipe Freeliner® has a biocontent of around 20 to 30%, which reduces the amount of fossil-based raw materials required for production. The biocontent is made from biowaste sources and does not compete with the food chain.
For Inpipe, it is important to work towards reducing our need for fossil fuels and raw materials. That is why we are constantly striving to reduce our climate footprint.
Inpipe Liner
Our standard liner fits the most common pipe dimensions and projects for the trenchless renovation.
Learn moreInpipe Flexliner
Inpipe Flexliner can reline pipes with varying dimensions, easily resolving problems with shape changes.
Learn moreSpecial liner
If our product range don’t cover your needs, we will do our best to produce a custom made liner for you.
Learn more